How Much To Live On A Cruise Ship Full Time?

The allure of the open sea, the promise of a new horizon every day, and the luxury amenities of a cruise ship have led many to ponder an unconventional idea: What if one could trade their landlocked residence for a life aboard a cruise ship? While this might sound like a whimsical daydream, for some, it’s a genuine lifestyle choice. 

But how feasible is it financially to live full-time on a cruise ship? This article dives deep into the costs, benefits, and considerations of making a cruise ship your permanent home.

Can You Live Permanently On A Cruise Ship?

Yes, you can live permanently on a cruise ship, and some retirees even choose this lifestyle. Cruise ships offer amenities, entertainment, meals, and medical care, making them an appealing option for continuous living. Some cruise lines offer long-term or even residential programs, like The World Residences at Sea. 

However, it’s a significant financial commitment, and considerations like medical needs, visa regulations for various ports, and personal adaptability to ship life should be evaluated.

How Much To Live On A Cruise Ship Full Time?

On average, a passenger might spend around $213 per day, which translates to an annual cost of approximately $77,000 to $79,000. 

The primary costs associated with living on a cruise ship are the passenger ticket and onboard expenses. The ticket gets you on board, while onboard expenses cover everything from food and drinks to spa services and shore excursions. 

Breaking Down the Costs

  • Passenger Ticket: This is the most significant expense, with the average ticket price being about $161.26 per day for an eight-day cruise.
  • Onboard Spending: This includes spa services, shore excursions, casino and bar expenses, and more. The average onboard spending is around $62.16 per day.
  • Additional Expenses: Living on a ship means you might indulge in special services occasionally. For instance, onboard shopping can range from souvenirs to luxury items. Drinks might cost around $6 to $7 a day, while spa services can vary widely, with some passengers spending up to $2,000 just for spa treatments during their cruise. Casinos also vary, with some passengers spending around $50 daily on slots.

Variation Across Cruise Lines

The cost of living on a cruise ship can differ significantly based on the cruise line. For instance, Norwegian Cruise Line, on average, has a ticket revenue per passenger of $1,488.61 and onboard revenue of $653.41. 

In contrast, Carnival Cruise Line’s ticket revenue per passenger is $1,067.11, with onboard spending at $356.97. It’s essential to note that these figures are averages and can vary based on the specific cruise, duration, and amenities chosen.

Compared with Assisted Living for Seniors

For seniors considering their retirement options, living on a cruise ship might be more economical than an assisted living facility. A 2019 survey by Genworth Cost of Care revealed that the average monthly cost for assisted living is approximately $4,051, translating to about $45,000 annually. 

In comparison, some cruise lines offer rates as low as $65 per night. Moreover, cruise ships provide medical assistance, entertainment, and a range of amenities that might be more limited in assisted living facilities.

Making the Decision

While the idea of living on a cruise ship is romantic and adventurous, it’s crucial to consider all costs, both obvious and hidden. It’s not just about the ticket price but also the daily expenses, occasional splurges, and the type of lifestyle you wish to maintain. 

Moreover, not all cruise ships allow long-term residents, so it’s essential to research and find cruise lines that accommodate such arrangements.

In conclusion, living on a cruise ship full-time is a significant financial commitment. However, for those who can afford it, it offers a unique lifestyle filled with travel, luxury, and new experiences every day.

Can I Live On A Cruise Ship For $2000 A Month?

Living on a cruise ship for $2,000 a month is challenging, as most cruises cost more than that for extended stays, especially when considering inclusions like meals, entertainment, and amenities. However, some older or smaller ships might offer deals, especially for long-term commitments. 

Repositioning cruises or off-peak seasons might have lower rates. It’s essential to factor in additional costs like gratuities, excursions, and onboard expenses. Thorough research and flexibility are crucial to find such a rate.

Bottom Line

Living full-time on a cruise ship is a unique lifestyle choice that comes with its own set of financial considerations. While the upfront costs might seem high, encompassing cruise fares, gratuities, and onboard expenses, they can be comparable to or even less than the costs of living in certain cities when you factor in amenities, meals, entertainment, and travel experiences. 

However, potential challenges like medical care, visa regulations, and the lack of a fixed address should be considered. For those with a sense of adventure and the means to do so, life aboard a cruise ship offers an unparalleled experience, but it’s essential to weigh the costs and benefits carefully.

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