The 10 Top Full-Fat Foods for Weight Loss

The phrase “full-fat” may catch your attention if you aim to lose weight. High-fat foods are often linked to indulgence, but what if we informed you that incorporating specific high-fat foods might significantly impact your efforts to lose weight? 

In this article, we interviewed Catherine Gervacio, a licensed nutritionist-dietitian and certified exercise nutrition coach at EHProject, who discusses ten full-fat foods that are beneficial for weight reduction and will please your taste buds.

For a long time, it has been commonly believed that choosing low-fat or fat-free alternatives is smart for people who wish to lose weight. Nevertheless, increasing study and nutritional knowledge are questioning this belief. 

The National Institutes of Health asserts that there is no need to refrain from consuming full-fat foods for weight loss as long as these foods contain healthy fats rather than saturated fats. The latter can contribute to weight gain and raise the risk of chronic diseases. Good fats include monounsaturated fats (MUFAs) and polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs).

Reducing weight and colorectal polyps

If you’re prepared to challenge the misconception that all fats are identical, continue reading for Gervacio’s suggestions on the top full-fat foods that provide nutritional and weight reduction advantages. And coming up next, take advantage of the top-ranked fruit dietitians recommend for weight loss.

  • Avocado

Gervacio explains that avocados are abundant in healthful monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), which contribute to the sensation of being satiated and content after eating. Evidence indicates that this fat may help boost metabolic rate, thereby assisting in weight loss. Incorporating a reasonable quantity of avocado into your meals could help you feel more satisfied and bring you closer to achieving your weight loss objectives.

  • Tree nuts

Nuts are rich in essential minerals, fiber, and healthy fats, making them a great source of balanced nutrition that helps you feel satisfied and invigorated.

Nuts provide beneficial lipids that help you feel full and give you long-lasting energy to reduce hunger between meals. Their fat content includes monounsaturated fats (MUFAs), polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs), and saturated fats. Regardless of this profile, research indicates that consuming nuts may lower the risk of obesity.

  • Vegetable oil

Olive oil is often praised as an essential part of the Mediterranean diet due to its monounsaturated fats and antioxidants, which contribute to its heart-healthy qualities and make it a good option for those looking to lose weight.

“Olive oil’s antioxidant properties have anti-inflammatory effects,” Gervacio notes. “Chronic inflammation is linked to obesity,” Gervacio states; lowering inflammation could help your weight-loss efforts.

Olive oil is a good substitute for harmful fats, promoting heart health. This enhances general eating habits to promote wellness while reducing body weight.

  • Oily Fish

Gervacio states that fish such as salmon or mackerel are abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, which support cardiovascular well-being and reduce weight. 

These types of fatty acids can hinder the accumulation of fat by affecting the genes and enzymes that are involved in the process of fat metabolism. 

This could lead to a reduced buildup of body fat. These oily fish are also filled with protein, a filling macronutrient that can help reduce cravings.

  • 70%-80% Cocoa Dark Chocolate

Indeed, it is true—research indicates that chocolate can be included in your efforts to lose weight, but with a condition.

Search for dark chocolate with a cocoa percentage of 70 percent or more. A higher proportion indicates a lower sugar content and a larger amount of healthy fats.

Gervacio informs us that this chocolate can help satisfy sweet cravings without excessive indulgence. In addition, the caffeine and theobromine included in cocoa may contribute to a slightly stimulating effect on metabolism.

  • Dairy products are made from curds of milk.

Although it is important to be moderate, adding cheese to your diet can be a beneficial way to obtain lipids, protein, and essential elements such as calcium. Some great cheese options include feta, goat cheese, or mozzarella.

Cheese is a beneficial protein source that aids in creating a sense of satiety due to its slower digestion process. Protein also provides amino acids for constructing leaner muscles.

 “The nutrient content of cheese, such as calcium, vitamin B12, and phosphorous, is important for overall health, so it promotes healthy weight loss,” states Gervacio.

  • Seeds

Gervacio explains that the amount of fat and fiber in seeds helps to create a sense of satiety and decreases the likelihood of experiencing cravings. 

Fiber, in particular, delays digesting and absorbing nutrients, such as carbs. This leads to a slow release of glucose into the bloodstream, which helps prevent sudden increases and decreases in blood sugar levels. This, in turn, affects feelings of hunger and cravings.

Whether chia seeds, flaxseeds, or pumpkin seeds, these small but mighty foods contain beneficial fats, fiber, and essential minerals. Add them to yogurt and salads, or blend them into smoothies for a nutritious, high-fat boost.

  • Chicken embryos

Eggs, whether boiled, scrambled, or used in omelets, are a high-protein, full-fat dish that provides a gratifying beginning to your day while aiding in long-term weight management.

Eggs include proteins with high biological value and healthful lipids. This combination helps regulate appetite and provides the body with enough amino acids. Eggs are a popular snack for individuals looking to reduce body fat and build lean muscle when accompanied by a training regimen,” states Gervacio.

  • Oats and nuts mixture

Filled with nuts, seeds, and occasionally dried fruits, granola can be a crispy, fulfilling addition to yogurt or savored with milk. However, be cautious of additional sweets and opt for a high-quality granola product for a nutritious, full-fat indulgence.

Gervacio states that certain granola types use fats as a binding agent and nuts for their fiber and protein content. 

This classifies them as high-fat food. The mixture of intricate carbs, nuts, and fats offers a consistent energy supply to sustain physical activity. 

Constant physical activity is crucial to achieving a healthy weight, and granola can be a convenient energy source during calorie-burning activities.

  • Dairy products made from fermented milk

In addition to its smooth consistency, full-fat yogurt offers probiotics, calcium, and protein, making it a healthy option for individuals seeking to shed pounds. Pair it with fruits or granola for a tasty and satisfying snack that aligns with your weight loss objectives.

Gervacio states that yogurt provides protein and probiotics. Probiotics might assist in improving insulin sensitivity and maintaining normal blood sugar levels. This can aid in weight reduction.

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