Stop Wasting and Save More: Habits To Ditch and To Adopt in 2024

As we enter 2024, it’s an excellent time to review our financial habits and make essential changes to ensure a better financial future. To assist you on this path, we have sought the knowledge of Allison Kade, a financial counselor at Fabric by Gerber Life. 

She has provided a list of eight behaviors to abandon and five new ones to adopt in the upcoming year. Let’s explore these approaches for improving your finances in 2024.

Things to Avoid in 2024:

Limited Resources Perspective: 

While controlling your expenses is essential, embracing a little resource perspective can result in avoidable needs. 

Instead, establish and consistently revise your budget to evaluate what you can genuinely afford. Permit yourself to indulge in pleasures and delightful activities that fit within your budgetary limits to maintain a well-rounded attitude to your finances.

Disregarding Unused Memberships: 

Subscriptions and memberships can quietly deplete your finances if not monitored. Assess your spending, like gym memberships, streaming services, and magazine subscriptions. 

Terminate the ones that you no longer utilize or consider valuable. Taking back control of your monthly spending gives you more money for essential things.

Allowing Debt to Accumulate: 

Accumulating debt with high interest rates can impede financial success. Give priority to paying off debts that have the highest interest rates initially. 

Decreasing or getting rid of these loans means you’ll have more money available for saving and investing. Don’t allow debt to burden you; address it intelligently.

Indulging in the Inappropriate: 

Not all treats are the same. Instead of eliminating all extravagances, assess the happiness that each one offers to your life. 

Modest, affordable indulgences can bring significant joy. Utilize these small prizes as motivators to attain your financial objectives without compromising on all of life’s enjoyments.

Not Considering the Broader Perspective: 

Thinking beyond immediate financial worries is essential. Think about insurance coverage to protect your family’s financial stability during emergencies. 

In addition, begin preparing for retirement in advance by contributing to retirement accounts such as a 401(k) or IRA. Starting to plan allows your investments more time to increase, guaranteeing a more pleasant retirement.

Spontaneous Purchasing: 

Spontaneous purchases can swiftly disrupt your financial plans. Before purchasing non-essential things, apply the 24-hour guidelines. 

Delay your purchase by one day. Frequently, you will discover that the inclination diminishes, aiding you in making more conscious spending decisions.

Ignoring Monthly Costs: 

Regular monthly spending can accumulate. Perform a comprehensive examination of your bills, looking for chances to decrease or remove unneeded expenses. 

Discuss with service providers for improved offers and think about combining services to reduce costs on utilities and subscriptions.

Lack of Investment: 

Choosing to only keep your savings in a savings account with low returns could lead to missed chances for investment. 

Explore and evaluate investing choices that match your comfort level with risk and financial objectives. Spreading out your investments can result in increased returns in the long run.

Practices To Adopt in 2024:

Create an Emergency Fund: 

Financial crises can occur without warning. Strive to create a reserve fund that covers six to twelve months’ worth of spending. 

Set up regular transfers from your earnings to your savings account to guarantee steady contributions. Setting aside a small sum every month might bring a sense of security during unexpected difficulties.

Begin preparing for your children’s objectives:

  1. After you have ensured your financial stability, redirect your attention towards securing a prosperous future for your children.
  2. Establish a UGMA (Uniform Gifts to Minors Act) account to set aside funds for different requirements, such as education, a vehicle, or their initial residence.
  3. Consider a 529 account for college savings, taking advantage of tax benefits for educational expenses.

Request a salary increase or explore additional income opportunities: Increasing your earnings is crucial to financial progress. Think about discussing a salary increase with your employer in 2024.

Instead, consider exploring different jobs that match your abilities and hobbies. Extra sources of income can significantly speed up your savings and financial stability.

Automate Savings: 

Incorporate saving into your regular financial habits by arranging automatic payments to your savings or investing accounts. This guarantees that a part of your earnings is regularly set aside for savings, decreasing the urge to spend foolishly.


  1. Permanently increase your understanding of finances.
  2. Stay updated on investing options, tax planning, and financial management.
  3. Participate in workshops, peruse financial books, and consult with financial experts.

Understanding is a vital asset for making well-informed financial choices.


Overall, 2024 presents an opportunity to improve your financial situation. You can make substantial progress toward attaining your financial goals by giving up harmful behaviors and adopting beneficial ones. 

Remember that managing your finances is an ongoing process, and each action you take puts you nearer to a stable and prosperous future.

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